• Question: what is a proton?

    Asked by waltersroberts to Ben, Clare, Ezzy, Mario, Sam on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Mario Campanelli

      Mario Campanelli answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      a positive particle, weighting 2000 times an electron, that together with the neutron constitutes atomic nuclei. It is mainly made of two up quarks and a down-like quark, plus a lot of gluons keeping them together, and a “soup” of continuous creation and destruction of quark-antiquark pairs

    • Photo: Clare Burrage

      Clare Burrage answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      A proton is a particle that can be found at the center of all atoms. It’s very tiny, about 1 trillionth of a mm across. We used to think that a proton was a fundamental particle, but now we know that it is made up of other even smaller particles called quarks.

    • Photo: Elizabeth Pearson

      Elizabeth Pearson answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      A proton is a sub atomic particle that has a single positive charge. You find them in the centre of atoms. If you break it down then you find their made up of something called quarks: two up, one down. What those are made up of though is… unknown.
