• Question: Why are some clouds white?

    Asked by smithmoorebell to Ben, Clare, Ezzy, Mario, Sam on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Elizabeth Pearson

      Elizabeth Pearson answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      The water in them reflects light in such a way they look white.

    • Photo: Mario Campanelli

      Mario Campanelli answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      because they reflect light of all frequencies in a uniform way; white light is the sum of all colours of the rainbow

    • Photo: Clare Burrage

      Clare Burrage answered on 17 Mar 2012:

      Coulds are made up of water droplets and dust, and so light can bounce off the droplets and dust and back into our eyes. Visible light is usually made up of light of lots of different colours that mix together to make the light look white. So when white light bounces off the clouds this makes the clounds look white.
